For balanced skin!
Combination skin:
The right facial care
Combination skin is a demanding skin type because, as the name suggests, this type combines different characteristics. Combination skin includes both greasy skin and dry skin. And that poses the question – how do you care for combination skin?
As solvers of skin problems, we looked at this thoroughly and even went a step further: Filabé wants to offer the right product for every skin type, and that's why we recently launched a facial care product specifically for the needs of combination skin!
How does combination skin happen?
The cause of combination skin is uneven sebum production. This is why the skin has both greasy and normal to dry skin areas.
In the greasy skin areas – along the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) – the skin produces too much sebum, which causes an unpleasant oily sheen. The excess sebum also encourages blockage of pores, because the sebum can't drain away properly. This often leads to blemishes like pimples or blackheads.
In the dry skin areas – mostly the cheeks – the skin produces too little sebum, and so loses too much moisture. The skin's natural protective barrier is no longer intact. Tiny cracks make the skin vulnerable to bacteria. The bacteria frequently mix in with the excess dead skin cells and can block pores at the same time. This is how inflamed areas, pimples, and blackheads can occur.
Features of combination skin

- Greasy skin – T-zone (forehead; nose; chin): overactive sebum production, oily sheen, enlarged pores, inclined to blemishes such as pimples, and blackheads
- Dry skin – cheeks: low sebum production, dry, cracked areas, feeling of tightness, dead skin cells, redness, also blemishes such as pimples and blackheads
Combination skin care: what do you need to bear in mind?
On the cosmetics market, you can find countless combination skin products and facial cleansers that contain many unnecessary additives that put additional strain on the skin.
Filabé does things differently: Thanks to smart technology, we can dispense with additives, because the active ingredients are stored directly in dry form in the microfibers of the soft cloth. During application, they are activated with water. This is how Filabé supplies active ingredients without stress!
When treating combination skin, it's tremendously important to find the optimal balance! The ideal facial skincare for this skin problem avoids additives, combines exfoliation with cleansing, and supplies the skin with moisturizing active ingredients.
Active ingredients which reduce sebum production should be avoided, as the dry skin areas already produce too little sebum.
Treat combination skin sustainably – with Filabé Mixed Skin
Filabé Mixed Skin combines daily exfoliation and deep cleansing without chemicals, reducing the oily layer in the affected areas and gently removing excess dead skin cells and bacteria so that sebum can drain again. The pores are freed and this way clog less.
At the same time, the skin is moisturized and supplied with soothing active ingredients:
Niacinamide clears and refines the skin, glycerine provides intensive moisturization, and Prickly Pear extract has lasting soothing properties. Freed from all the day's stresses, your skin can regenerate optimally overnight. Free from additives.
Skin needs time to adjust to a new skincare product. A lasting improvement of the skin only occurs after the completion of the skin renewal cycle. This can take between 28 and 70 days, depending on your age. So it's worth having a little patience
Questions? We'd be happy to answer them for you – Filabé has the right product for every skin type and accompanies you on your path to healthy skin. 😊