Product Finder

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What is your skin type?

Please choose your skin type. If you don't know what to choose, click the info icon for more information.

Greasy/oily skinCombination skinDry and sensitive skinNormal skin

Greasy/oily skin

Your skin is shiny, often has large pores and looks oily.

Greasy/oily skin

Combination skin

Your skin is both oily and dry, Your T-zone looks oily and your cheeks are normal to dry. 


Dry and sensitive skin

Your skin feels rough, scaly and has tiny cracks. It can itch and feel tight.

Normal skin

Your skin is balanced, neither too dry nor too oily. 

Normale Haut

What is your maintopic?

Please select one problem you want to focus on first.
Or choose «No specific skin problem» if you have no comments about the condition of your skin.

PimplesBlackheadsWrinklesRed, irritated skinDark scarsPale scarsHyper-pigmentationScaly skinNo specific skin problem

Lorem Ipsum

What is your sex?

Your skin is largely being defined by your chromosomes. That is why we are asking for your sex and not for your gender.
Please choose between:


How old are you?

This information is needed for the correct selection of the product to achieve the skinrepair goal:

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