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Care: Tips & Co.

Blemished and dry skin in winter
In winter, your skin can easily lose its natural balance. Often the reason for spots in winter is not due to a single cause, but to a cocktail…

Dry skin: proper care and cleansing
How you can reduce skin dryness and restore the natural protective film in less than 1 minute a day with the right care.

Was hilft gegen Maskne?
Neue Zeiten generieren neue Namen: Seit Hygienemasken im ÖV so präsent sind wie Kaffeebecher und Smartphones, kursiert in den Medien die…

Is it possible to "overdo it" with skin care? Yes!
Cleansing, exfoliating, applying cream – it's all good for the skin, isn't it?! Not necessarily. If you do it too often, the skin can react with…

Hypersensitive skin: What you can do!
Cosmetics can trigger unwanted reactions: redness, pain, itching, and blisters. These are all strong indications of irritation, contact allergy…
Skin Basics

How are creams absorbed by the skin?
The phenomenon of creams “penetrating” the skin has been common knowledge for some time now. However, are creams really absorbed by the skin?

Combination skin: the right facial care
Combination skin is a demanding skin type because, as the name suggests, this type combines different characteristics. Combination skin includes…
Care and life phases

Skin care during pregnancy
Pregnant women are beautiful: from day to day, they appear younger and their faces shine, regardless of how good or bad they feel. Having thick…

Blemished skin during pregnancy — what you should know
Despite this good fortune, expectant mothers often complain of mood swings, discomfort and even skin problems such as blemishes,…
Man and skin care
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Sustainability and Skin care

Filabé: 100% vegan skincare!
Meat in cosmetics — does it really exist? Have you ever heard of a bratwurst lotion?