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Care: Tips & Co.

Was ist gut für die Haut?

Is it possible to "overdo it" with skin care? Yes!

Cleansing, exfoliating, applying cream – it's all good for the skin, isn't it?! Not necessarily. If you do it too often, the skin can react with…

Was hilft gegen Maskne?

Neue Zeiten generieren neue Namen: Seit Hygienemasken im ÖV so präsent sind wie Kaffeebecher und Smartphones, kursiert in den Medien die…
 Das Resultat einer überpflegten Haut

Hypersensitive skin: What you can do!

Cosmetics can trigger unwanted reactions: redness, pain, itching, and blisters. These are all strong indications of irritation, contact allergy…

Skin Basics

Wie ziehen Cremes in die Haut ein?

How are creams absorbed by the skin?

The phenomenon of creams “penetrating” the skin has been common knowledge for some time now. However, are creams really absorbed by the skin?
Wie pflegt man Mischhaut?

Combination skin: the right facial care

Combination skin is a demanding skin type because, as the name suggests, this type combines different characteristics. Combination skin includes…

Care and life phases

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Man and skin care

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Sustainability and Skin care

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